Sabado, Hulyo 18, 2015

Lesson 2: An Overview: Educational Technology 2

Ganancial, Estela L.  BSEd General Science 4
MW 3:00-5:00 PM
Educational Technology 2

Lesson 2: An Overview: Educational Technology 2


            Educational Technology 2 is more on “Integrating Technology in Teaching and Learning”. In short, Educational Technology 2 is more on applications and computer skill enhancements to improve teaching strategies and at the same time enjoyable learning for students. Educational Technology 2 is focused on introducing, reinforcing, supplementing and extending the knowledge and skills to the target learners so that they can be exemplary users of educational technology. This course will teach us future teachers to enhance our skills in manipulating the computers and discover more about the use of softwares that can be useful instructional materials in teaching and learning process. Educational Technology 2 aims to infuse technology in the student-teachers training so that it can make the the teaching and learning more appreciable and effective.

 Educational Technology is now teaching us to use where our CERAs can be post there. Blogger can now be used as an instructional material for educational purposes since we are in the educational arena. cannot function itself without the access to the internet. In here, we can able to communicate and share our own ideas in learning more on technology. Aside from, we are also task to do just in case we have assignments through self video. I find it great since we need to boost our self-confidence for us to be able to come up with a very informative video which shares own insights and comments.


            Technology is indeed a great tool in the educative process. Technology makes education more sophisticated and progressive in terms of instructional materials and its way of teaching. I just realized that if we are with use of technology, we are not far behind from the tech trends of the world. It just matters of how we will employ it. If we have a lot of skills and knowledge about technology, the better we teach the concepts to students and the more they understand it. There are so much more in technology that can be useful in our instruction. Just try to learn from it and you will eventually see how technology works for your own good.


          The main concern of a teacher is how to deliver his/her concepts in a sense that his/her students can really learn from it and at the same time they will enjoy. Well, a teacher must have diverse strategies which can assure effective teaching-learning process. The modern era suggests that there’s technology to help us. As a future educator, I must say I have already prior knowledge about computers and basic use of softwares but that’s not enough for me to become a good and effective teacher. To improve my computer literacy skills, I’ll attend seminars and workshops that are related to educational technology to gain additional knowledge since there are much more to discover about technology as what I’ve say. As I will teach, those skills I learned will be used during my discussions of concepts and that would ensure that my students will appreciate the lessons especially in science.

Sabado, Hulyo 11, 2015

Lesson 1- A Review to Educational Technology 1

Ganancial, Estela L. BSEd GenSci4
MW 3:00-5:00 PM
Educational Technology 2

A Review to Educational Technology 1


As a summary, Educational Technology is complex, integrated process involving people, procedures, ideas, devices, and organization for analyzing problems and devising, implementing, evaluating and managing solutions to those problems involved in all aspects of human learning. Education here sees technology as one way to improve the teaching and learning process in the educational setting. Technology can be boon or bane to education depending on how it is used. Technology is very much helpful especially when teaching concepts which are not easy to understand by the students are made easier with the help of instructional media such as video clips, internet, etc. But technology can be a disadvantage to education if not used properly especially when users are abusing on it. Since education uses technology as an aid to instruction, it has various roles in learning such as the following: tools to support knowledge construction, information vehicles for exploring knowledge to support learning-by-constructing, context to support learning-by-doing, social medium to support
learning-by-conversing, and intellectual partner to support learning-by-reflecting. It is important also that a teacher should have a systematized instruction or systematic approach to teaching. In this manner, learners should be at the center always. Here are the things to be considered: define objectives, choose appropriate materials, choose appropriate experiences, select materials, equipment, and facilities, assign personnel roles, and implement the instruction. The cone of experience is a visual model, a pictorial device that presents bands of experience arranged according to degree of abstraction and not degree of difficulty. In using and evaluating instructional materials, one should remember the acronym PPPF which stands for P-repare yourself, P-repare your students, P-resent the material, and F-ollow up.


During our Ed.Tech 1, our instructor allowed us to exposed to different educational media and softwares that were very helpful in preparing and developing our skills in manipulating the computers which soon be our partner in our teaching in the near future. Such exposure taught us that there is more to technology as an instructional material. We did photo editing using Adobe photoshop and video editing using CyberLink Power Director. We’ve also experienced an online class using Edmodo where the softcopy of our assignments and projects were sent in here. We also tried to make rubrics using Rubistar and comic strips using Toondoo.


Based on my experiences in Educational Technology 1, I realized that technology can really bring good changes in the teaching-learning process. Technology helps teachers to be more creative and organized in terms of their instructions. In that manner, the teaching of concepts to the students are made comprehensible and at the same time more realistic and enjoyable. If only technology can be used properly, I am sure that students will really learn. It is important that a teacher should be knowledgeable and skilled enough about this technology to be used during instruction. But then again, one should vary in his/her strategies and
not solely dependent on technology.



As a future science teacher, since my chosen field of specialization is more on complex concepts, it will really require me to use technology depending only on the topics that I will teach to them. Appropriate strategies and technology as my partner would remain my factors to make Science more interesting to my students. For example, my topic is all about the milky way galaxy and then I’ll
show to them a latest video about it. After that, I will let them recall what they have seen in the video so that they could have their own understanding about it. I will only facilitate their learnings. With the use of latest software and videos related to the topics, I will ensure that my students will leave the classroom with full of learnings/realizations and appreciations in SCIENCE as well as with values to remember.