Linggo, Agosto 9, 2015

History of Educational Technology and the ICT Revolution

Ganancial, Estela L. BSEd General Science 4
MW 3:00-5:00 PM
Educational Technology 2

History of Educational Technology and the ICT Revolution


ICT is the short for information and communications technology. It refers to a broad of field encompassing computers, communications equipment and the services associated with them. It includes those things that are already familiar to us such as telephones, cellular networks, satellite communication, b broadcasting media and other forms of communications.
With the advent of ICT and Educational Technology, here are the characteristics of digital technology: Media integrity, Media integration, Flexible interaction, Transactions, Tailoring, and Editing. Way back before, educational process started with the use of questioning by Socrates and other teacher-centered approaches. Then a free public school model was introduced and distance learning. It was leveled up into learning by doing until the advent of computers as the ICT resources. World Wide Web was then developed which lead to the internet that we’re using nowadays. It was then progressed as time pass by developing new materials to improve the education process.
Aristotle's class with his students
Television as educational media in the class


            When I was a pupil, computer is really intended for computer laboratory to provide drill exercises in practicing the basic operations in computers. In our discussion, we didn’t have any gadgets to use in our learning (too expensive to buy that time). My teacher would use to series of lectures and discussions by having a drawing on the blackboard and sort of “bitaymax” just to visualize what she’s talking about. It was not really that interactive because we were only required to copy what’ in written in the blackboard. When I was in high school, the same scenario was still there but with little changes already.  Some of my teacher owned a laptop but frequent they used it. Projector was not allowed to use in the classroom because it is intended for school events and gatherings. Until I reached college, I was culture shocked by the education process here and it seems that using of laptop or computer and LCD projector are very common.
A traditional classroom


            Since I was still a pupil in elementary and a high school student until I entered the college, I witness how technology evolves over time. All things change. Change in only permanent thing is this world. As a future teacher, it is important that must have at least prior knowledge on how the educational technology and ICT evolved as time pass for the improvement of the education. Prior knowledge is a fundamental tool to achieve innovation of ideas with the use of technology in educative process.  At least we could trace back and familiarize the foundations behind the progress of ICT and Educational technology.
An  ICT classroom


            As I will teach someday, if necessary, I would combined all strategies appropriate for my teaching of science concepts as well as the use of ICT resources to have an effective teaching-learning process because in this modern times, our teaching must be equipped with technology for it to be more interesting to the students but then it may subject to changes or variations because I know there are still traditional classrooms especially in rural areas. If I will also stick one or two strategies, that may not ensure effective one unless I’m a perfect teacher.  We all know that we have diverse students with diverse interests and needs as well as preferences in learning so as much as possible, we as future teachers, should cater those things for them to learn.
This is an illustration of a future classroom

Biyernes, Agosto 7, 2015

Lesson 9: Computers as Information and Communication Technology

Ganancial, Estela L.  BSEd General Science 4
MW 3:00-5:00 PM
Educational Technology 2

Lesson 9: Computers as Information and Communication Technology


            We are so much familiar with computers, right? It was pointed out that the advent of the computer is recognized as the third revolution in education. There emerged the computer technology which calls for computer literacy. Computer nowadays is the most widely used as ICT resource in education. With the advent of computer, CAI (computer-assisted instruction) was introduced to education using the principle of individualized learning through interactive processes such as drill exercises. Today’s information age, computer technology has evolved into information and communication technology because of it great demand and application in the field of education as well as to other field of disciplines.

The Personal Computer (PC) as ICT

            Our PC’s are very powerful tool especially in the field of education. It offer a complete package that function both as instructional and educational communication media for teachers and learners. It has the following programs that we can avail of for some educational purposes as well as for entertainment.
·         Microsoft Office
·         Excel
·         Internet explorer
·         Yahoo or Google
·         Adobe Reader
·         MSN
·         Windows media player
·         Cyberlink power
·         GameHouse


            Way back when I was still in my elementary year, that was when I was a grade 4 pupil, we had been taught how to manipulate computers. Computers that time were very bulgy and the famous drill exercise was keyboard typing. Super Mario was the famous computer game I encountered that time. I could still remember, my computer teachers from grade 4 to 5 taught me on the basic skills in computer operations and how to use the keyboard properly such as the proper position of fingers in the keyboard. Microsoft word was the first thing I learned from Microsoft office programs. Internet was not so familiar to me that time. In storing our data, we were required to have diskettes of our own. Today, most of us use flash drives in saving our files. Until I step in college, I am already familiar with the use of PC and its programs.


            I realized that PC could provide the basic needs of a teacher in his/her teaching as well as for the students like me. We are blessed because we have this ICT resource that makes our learning easy and convenient. It is really a big help especially in my part as a student since some of the requirements need to be encoded or to be presented using PowerPoint presentation.  This simple machine is simply amazing that could do multiple tasks for us. It’s a good start to explore the world of technology.


            As I will teach science in the near future, I would really secure personal computer (to be more convenient—a laptop/netbook) because this is very helpful for me to become an effective teacher to my students. This could be my perfect partner as perform my multitasking role as science teacher. I will use excel for computing grades, PowerPoint presentation for my discussion, Microsoft word for my any encoded data, and so on. To enhance my knowledge, I would attend IT seminars/workshops or any related to IT for more advance software that can be used for educational purposes.


Lesson 8: Higher Thinking Skills Through IT-Based Projects

Ganancial, Estela L.  BSEd General Science 4
MW 3:00-5:00 PM
Educational Technology 2

Lesson 8: Higher Thinking Skills Through IT-Based Projects


            This lesson talks about the four types of IT-based projects which can effectively be used in order to engage students in activities of a higher plane of thinking. These projects differ in the specific process and skills employed.  These projects represent constructivist outputs that contains key elements of a constructivist approach to instruction:
a)      The teacher creating the learning environment
b)      The teacher giving students the tools and facilities, and
c)      The teacher facilitating learning

It should be the students demonstrate higher thinking skills in order to meet the required goals.
1.      Resource-based projects
It is the students who find their own facts and information. The teacher acts only as a facilitator ion this type of project. The central principle: makes students go beyond the textbook and curriculum materials. Inquiry-based or discovery approach is given emphasis on this type of project.
2.      Simple creations
Students are tasked to design their own software materials. Creativity is needed combined with analyzing, synthesizing, and promoting.
3.      Guided hypermedia projects
The production of self-made multimedia projects that can be used as an instructive tool (PowerPoint presentation) or communication tool (multimedia presentation).
4.      Web-based projects
Creating and posting webpages on a given topic.

  Ever since I entered college life, I experienced all that type of projects but not for software making. Making PowerPoint presentations is very common for me. I can say that I’m always working for guided hypermedia projects—the common things that are always assign to do so. We also experienced video editing and movie poster making that led us to hold a short film festival. Right now in Edtech 1, we are on web-based projects such as the use of wherein we can post a blog containing our CERA’s.


            For me, IT-based projects are very suitable to our new curriculum today since it is an outcome-based education. I can say that it is a good technique to develop the six fluency skills of digital learners as well as the traditional learners. It will only vary on how the teacher will employ it. We all know that our country is in need of skilled and competitive individuals especially that we are now on technological era. This is one way to prepare students to become one of the best in ICT era.

If I were to teach someday, the best IT-based projects would be resource-based and guided hypermedia because these are appropriate in my teaching of science. Since resource-based projects encourage discovery or inquiry-based approach, this is best technique that will cater their interests and needs to understand and appreciate science more. Whenever they acquire such information, they will present it to me using guided hypermedia for me to see their higher thinking skills and creativity and conveying the information. I would  let them work by group to enhance the collaborative skills.

Huwebes, Agosto 6, 2015

Lesson 7: Evaluation of Technology Learning

Ganancial, Estela L.  BSEd General Science 4
MW 3:00-5:00 PM
Educational Technology 2

Lesson 7: Evaluation of Technology Learning


            The standard student evaluation of learning outcomes must change. This is justified by the fact that not only has the new generation changed into digital learners, but the traditional world has metamorphosed into digital world. Assessment needs to conform, not to the literacy of the past century but the new literacy of the 21st century. This is the literacy that uses digital tools in preparing students to face a high-tech world. Teachers must adopt new mindset both for instruction and evaluation. Evaluation must be geared to assessment of essential knowledge and skills so that students can function holistically. It must use evaluative tools that measure the new basic skills of the 21st century digital culture, namely: solution fluency, information fluency, collaboration fluency, creative fluency, media fluency, and digital citizenship.  These six fluency skill reflect the process skills of the students. The standard paper tests will prove inadequate in assessing new learning. As they involve in process skills, there’s also a need to focus on the 4 D’s (define, design, do, debrief) that empower students to solve problems using higher-level theoretical and practical thinking.
            We have the term mass amateurization which is the change in evaluation approach that implies a mass reach of student outputs. The personal and group activities in school should aim at bridging the gap between amateur creators of outputs to professional creators of future outcomes and products in the real world. The process involve idea conception, planning, layout and graphics designing, editing proofreading, and publishing.  The use of desktop publishing is a good example. The internet also is a good avenue for publishing creative outputs such as wikis, blogs, videos, and etc.


During our Edtech 1 days, our instructor had been exposed us to so much projects that require process skills and less to paper works. We were always learning by doing which means we worked in group to accomplish a certain task. We were assessed based from our outputs that’s why we need to work hard and aim for good always by giving our best to create the best output to satisfy our evaluator. The first half of semester was more on not so hard activity such as creating weird inventions and prototypes. The second half was more on rigid work outputs such as movie poster making and short film making. We were able to held short film festival that I was considered it to be the best accomplishments in my Edtech 2. In my high school days, in my computer subject, we were required to make a newsletter as webpage. It was a challenging task for me, I admit, but the moment I engaged on it, I found it enjoyable because I worked for it by group. I was so happy that time because I received a high grades from that output.


            As I reflect, I can see that the type of assessment being employed in educative process really need to go beyond for an effective teaching and learning process. They say, digital learners appear smarter than with so much exposure to technology. As they engage in learning, it should be that assessment must fit to their performance as in processed performance. We all know that learners today are not just passive but their curiosities make them interact to the digital world. Since we are now on the K+12 curriculum which is an outcome-based education, standardized tests are not enough to measure the totality of their learning. It should be more than that at least to assess their outputs.


            As future science teacher, I already expect that most of my future students will be digital learners. It is a good strategy that I would employ IT-based projects and I think that will fit for science. Science really requires process skills enable student to understand the concept.  I will still use paper-and-pencil tests but for some instances only such as diagnosing their prior knowledge or refreshing their ideas. But to appreciate their learning, I would require my students to go beyond the four corners of the classroom to explore the environment.  From that technique, they could develop those skills into competencies preparing them to be globally competitive individuals in their future careers.

Lesson 6: Developing Basic Digital Skills

Ganancial, Estela L.  BSEd General Science 4
MW 3:00-5:00 PM
Educational Technology 2

Lesson 6: Developing Basic Digital Skills


            As teachers adjust their teaching to effectively match the new digital world of information and communication technology (ICT), they must be clear on what basic knowledge, skills and values (or literacies) need to develop by digital learners. These basic literacies should not replace the 3Rs (reading, writing, ‘rithmetic) but should be complemented by six essentials skills to equip students for success in the millennial world.

These are the following fluency skills to be developed by students in the 21st century:

1.      Solution fluency- refers to the capacity and creativity in problem solving.
2.      Information fluency- ability to access and retrieve information  from internet or CD-ROM software; ability to reflect on, assess and rewrite for instructive information package
3.      Collaboration fluency- refers to teamwork with virtual or real partners in the online environment.
4.      Media fluency-   requires analytical mind to evaluate messages in the media as well as creative mind to publish digital messages.
5.      Creative fluency- artistic proficiency adds by way of design, art, and story-telling to package a message.
6.      Digital citizenship-  guided by principles of leadership, global responsibility, environmental awareness, global citizenship, and personal accountability


           I must say that my Edtech 1 had taught me of those six fluency skills. We were able to develop those  I really experienced a good example of an activity that covers all those fluency skills mentioned and I’m happy because I got good grades from it. I can still remember, we always worked by group and we share a lot of ideas to make our project more appealing and pleasing to our instructor. Right now, Edtech 2 is doing the same, too but in another way like for example, we are required to use to post our CERA’s likewise podcast wherein we can take a video on our own to share some of our reflections.
skills through IT-based projects such as video and photo editing and the like. Such exposure to IT-based projects taught us to be more knowledgeable about technology.


            To adopt in the certain changes as the technology progresses, it is not a bad idea to be with the flow. I realize that as a science teacher, we must first develop these basic fluency skills so that it will be easy for us to impart our knowledge to the young ones. As of this present, we all know that digital learners are so much familiar with technology so we do also. At least, if we develop these basic skills, we will be able to understand its purposes and limitations. Also, as we apply these skills in our future teaching, we can at least secure to our students that technology is exclusively for learning purposes and not for nonsense matters. Since we want technology to be of good reputation, we must employ good techniques so that our students could really learn from their lessons. These basic digital skills are necessary to be developed by the students because I believe that these can help them a lot especially in the sustainability of their learnings and appreciation.


            For me, the best way is to develop first these skills myself through enhancements by attending IT seminars workshops. When I fully develop these skills, it will be easy for me to use ICT resources for my teaching-learning process. I would always encourage my students simply by hands-on techniques with the involvement of technology for it to be more effective and fun at the same time. For me, hands on learning exemplify a good learning outcome from students because they are the one who explore for their own. Through good facility and guidance, I can assure a good learning outcome from students.