Huwebes, Agosto 6, 2015

Lesson 4: Bridging the Generation Gap

Ganancial, Estela L.  BSEd General Science 4
MW 3:00-5:00 PM
Educational Technology 2

Lesson 4: Bridging the Generation Gap

            The older generation often feels there is a generation gap between them and the younger generation. This is apparent simple things like the manner of dressing, socializing, more intimate
relationships like friendship and marrying. In the field of education, a huge generation gap also exists and it will continue to widen unless some changes are adopted at the proper time. In peasant third world continues where schools don’t have the technology facilities, it is understandable that transition to digital education may take time. But given the rapid emergence of digital technology (ICT), there is the need to prepare for bridging the digital gap in society. First, we need to understand the potentials of ICT:
*The new network of instantaneous  communication is global, overcoming borders between countries and continent.
Much of what elders believe may not be applicable anymore to the new generations.
*Alvin Toffler’s book, Future Shock, shows how the information age has begun to create many cultural changes.
Since the new generations are expected to face a future professionalism challenge of a digital world ahead of them, technology-supported skills need to be taught in schools today, or else schools will become a white elephant. If schools fail to respond to emergent changes and needs, new learners may lose appreciation of the educational system, and drop out of school, as surveys show an increasing drop-out rate every year.


            During my highschool days, our school is that of slow progress in terms of using technology as part of instruction. The school has one projector and is used for school meeting and other important meetings. We have computers but few are functioning. But we have internet connection for educational purposes only. That time, you were lucky if you have personal computer or laptop inyou. You would be famous for short time especially if you have the latest one. Because I have none, I used to borrow with my classmates who have their own and I would be happy if they will let it borrow for me. I was just very fortunate that time because my teachers did not require us so much paperworks to do and they really understand the situation.

            Based on what I’ve learned, I realized that there would occurrence of problem as technology is on the trend. Technology plays a very important role in all of our lives today. We cannot begin to imagine a world without the benefits of technology. Technology may cause gap anyway because not all can benefit from it but there are so many ways to overcome this gap. Intead, we can join each other, share what we can able to share. A combination of old traditions and new traditions would make it better.


As a future teacher someday, it is important that we must be the mediator in this gap. As I will teach for the future, I would still expect a product of old generation even I am already in modernized instruction. I know there would still students who are not preferable to stick with technology and most probably total ignorance from it I guess. The simple way that I can do is to let the younger generation share their knowledge of what technology is all about so that those students that are less knowledgeable in computers for example so that they would have the idea about it. I, too, will share what I can do so that everybody could benefit from the technology of course for good purposes only.

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