Huwebes, Agosto 6, 2015

Lesson 5: Preferences of the Technology Learners

Ganancial, Estela L.  BSEd General Science 4
MW 3:00-5:00 PM
Educational Technology 2

Lesson 5: Preferences of the Technology Learners


            The older generation is much different from the new generation in terms of their life, work, and leisure. Good things much enjoyed by elders when they were still students are no longers available to the new generation. We can also notice the difference in terms of learning preferences as well as the type of classes to which they are exposed with. As the technology advances, the society must also adopt to its changes for a long term development of their country. In the field of education, it is important that critical differences in perceptions between old and new generation create a generation gap need to be understand or discussed. This can be best understood by tracing the single and multi-track activity patterns of old and new generation like the following:

Text versus Visuals
            Oldies were exposed to books with rich illustrations and photos and for research purposes, they go to library while the digital generation are exposed to cable television and videos, computer images and the like.
Linear versus Hypermedia
            Old generation has obtained information in linear, logical and sequential manner that made them more logical, focused and reflective thinkers while the new generation follows random access to hyperlinked digital information which made them less in focus, reflection and easily get bored with short span of attention.
Independent versus Social learners
            Oldies were made to be independent prior to participation than what the new generation does which more likely attached to social medias such Facebook, Twitter, etc. for instant communication, socialization and discovery.
Learning to do versus to pass the test
            Old teachers teach students in order to help them pass the exam and complete the requirements while digital learners simply wish to acquire skills, knowledge, and habits necessary for future careers.
Delayed rewards versus Instant gratification
            Our oldies were given rewards by their teachers such as medals, ribbons, and etc during the end of school year for such recognition while digital learners earns instant gratification from emails, chats, and games from phone or internet.
Rote memory versus Fun learning
            Teachers were more on content-based approach during old generation which is measurable by standardized tests while digital learners just prefer fun learning.


          When I was still a high school student, I had been exposed to a traditional classroom wherein my teachers always spoke in front and we were just there as passive learners attentively listening to the discussions. Frequently, my teachers would assign reports to us. During that time, technology helped me a lot aside from relying on books. Gladly saying, I was already able to develop the basic skills in manipulating the computer and I owed a lot of my learnings from internet access. Since Science, Math, and English are highly conceptual, we must have diversed resources to rely on with emphasis of the use of books but my teachers were given us freedom to surf the net for addtional informations. Our computer lab offered us to use it for internet access but for limited time only. Hands-on learning was not very famous during my highschool days but I experienced it a lot in my Filipino, Chemistry, English, and Physics.


            From what I have learned on this lesson, I realized that there’s really a need to understand the preferences of old and new generation. Since I am science educator in the future, I don’t want to experience such issues or problems related to the learning prefernces of my future students. As much as we know, we can’t stop technology to progress but rather we can control it. Simply, we can derive solutions that a technology could be useful thing for learners. Today, learners must learn by doing of course with our guidance as future teachers. If that would help them then be it as long as it would not destroy their learning.


            When I’m going to teach science someday, I would first get to know my students better by asking about their wants and needs as students preferrably their learning styles/preferences and their perceptions about technology. From that technique, I could diagnose them and then I could employ such approriate methods/strategies with the aid of technology to support my teaching of science to them. I would go for hands on learning because this is a good strategy to cater their needs and interest in learning science concepts. For teaching-learning process to be more sophisticated and enjoyable, technology would be of great demand for me.

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